Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Campaign Game 1.5: Fallout on Glacier 217

Sanctus Reach: Fallout on Glacier 217

As the Imperial resistance on Sacred Mountain turned away the Ork forces, many spread out back down the cliffs and across the frozen plains in the mountain region, already planning to regroup with larger Ork forces down on the flatlands below. The Warp'ead Zageye, whose squad of boyz wisely fled from the Sacred Mountain battle in the face of four Imperial Hellhounds, slunk back down the mountainside to a long glacial plane (number 217 in Imperial designations, tho the Orks just refer to it as "da white cliff over dere"). A small group of Long Fangs which found themselves misplaced decided to try and stop the Ork escape, calling in reserves as the battle escalated.

 A single squad of Long Fangs' Stormwolf caught some Flakka Dakka fire and had to land, leaving them the sole line of defense against the fleeing Orks.

 As the Orks rushed forward, the Space Wolves redirected some remaining drop pod assets to help stem the green tide. 

 Two mobs of boyz spill out of Trukks crippled and destroyed by the burning plasma shots of the Long Fangs.

 While only a Rune Priest remained at one point holding off the Ork onslaught, it was the timely arrival of the Wolf Guard terminators that turned the tide.

The roar of storm bolters and assault cannon from the terminators are enough to finally scatter the Ork forces. Meanwhile, the Ork Warp'Ead Zageye--in attempts to harness the waning Waaagh energy, accidentally opens a portal of pure warp energy and is sucked through.

Battle Results: The Orks again proved that mobility is critical in early objective securing. While the Space Wolves had to wait until the later turns to start scoring points, they managed to accrue enough

Fiction: The following events take place right after Warp'ead Zageye is sucked through the portal, at the conclusion of the battle (and was written by Kevin for the event):


Warp'ead Zageye looked around to see scintillating colors and vague images from different points in his brutal life.  Past victories, past losses (some even reworked into victories), and images of what can only be described as an older more magnificent version of himself played out within the swirling colors.  "Wot's all dis den?" Was all he could utter.  The words floated out of his mouth and tiny pink humanoid figures seemed to emerge from them.  One burst into a blue explosion as the others giggled.  Zageye gripped his axe ready for a fight.  Then the unexpected happened.  He felt at peace.

"You truly are both cunning and brutal, a most apt avatar for my actions in the material world."  The largest ork that Zageye ever saw was looming above, and speaking some language Zageye had never heard.  Zageye gave a quizzical look.

"Wot?" He asked.  The large ork shook his head and sighed.\

"You've got to be...ahem.  Yoo is brutal 'n kunnin'.  Yoo be me when fightin' hoomanz.  I brung yoo 'ere to tell yoo to use my boyz to 'elp". The large ork gestured to waves upon waves of flamers, screamers, pink horrors, and even a grotesquely overweight lord of change vomiting rainbows.  "Dey is da best.  Yoo is da best.  Got it?"

"Wot?  'Oo is yoo?"

"I be Mork!"  With this exclamation the hosts of amorphous pink and blue creatures in the background snickered and laughed and cheered.  Zageye immediately prostrated himself before half of his entire pantheon, then immediately looked around for Gork. The being continued speaking: "Yoo gots ta smash da humiez.  Do dis fer Mork and yer waagh will be da best"

Zageye didn't need an excuse to smash humans.  He didn't need an excuse to smash much of anything.  When your god summons you before him and tells you to do something, it takes a lot to convice one to do otherwise.  "Hoo do I smash first?"

The being claiming to be Mork dismissed Zageye to the next battlefield to prepare the way for chaos.  As soon as the warp sensitive ork was gone he resumed his avian form, revealing himself to be an exalted lord of change.  His second in command, the grotesque lord of change seen earlier, approached him.

"Most exalted Thrunmindyax, what do we do now?"

"Now we wait for the greenskins to do what they do best.  And wait for the minions of the Brazen One to attempt to breach the barriers between the worlds for us."

Zageye looked around at the battlefield he was pulled from.  Dead orks lay amidst piles of the big blue humans, but not nearly enough of them.  "Zog!" He yelled out, and returned to riding his lucky bomb all the way back to the main ork encampment.

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